• Mrs. Rekha Yadav (Principal)

    From the desk of Principal
    “Within each of us is a hidden store of determination. Determination to keep us in the race when all seems lost.”

    Education is a never ending process and in today’s world, the meaning of Education is challenging day by day. So, one need to go hand in hand with the academic and technological challenges. We at Sona Public School constantly try to take out best from within the students. We always focus on overcoming the weakness of those students and develop social, emotional and intellectual skills in the students. We also ensure to preserve the rich Indian culture and traditional values. An experienced, well- educated and hard working team of teachers gives personal attention to each student according to the psychological behaviour of every student. We are committed to the academic and social values enhancement which will help our students to shine in the world in the coming years.

    Best Wishes
    Mrs. Rekha Yadav